We care with respect about every note and every request of our site visitors! We know you put hope and sincere faith in the Most High, Who would not leave your petition unanswered. That is why we take care of every note sent to the Wailing Wall online through Begthelord web site.
You can trust us to put your note into the Western Wall no later than 1 to 3 weeks after you write the note.
Every note placement is recorded on video just beside of the Western Wall. Then the record is emailed to you.
Watch the latest video records::
Ruslan’s Note
Every year millions of pilgrims and tourists come to Jerusalem to see the ancient holiest place of Judaism the Western Wall otherwise named the Wailing Wall. It is believed that if a note with a prayer is inserted into the Wailing Wall it is sure to come true. For a variety of reasons some people...
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Veronica’s Note
On the video you can see the moment of inserting of a note with a prayer into the Western Wall, made by an employee of service. On the whole the prayers contain requests to be recovered from a grave illness or to get married. They also write prayers gratitude for successful recovery or well-being...
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David’s Note
Our service helps people to insert a note with a prayer into the Wailing Wall for recovering from a grave illness, a wedding match or achieving successful results in their lives and work. There could be the words of thanks to God for recovering or getting one’s wish. The most important thing in these notes...
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Olga’s Note
On video you can see a moment of inserting of an ordinary note into the Wailing Wall. The employees of BegTheLord site work with all responsibility that is why every note is inserted by them with a prayer and good intentions. Small and big ones, written in different languages by people of various faiths the...
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Claire’s Note
The representative of BegTheLord site has placed the note with a prayer. The process of inserting is executed according to specific protocols. One of them forbids turning one’s back on the Wailing Wall, that is why our representative is turning a camera only to testify that the note has been inserted. The text of a...
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